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Why Does Joy Seem So Elusive?

The answer lies in a fundamental misunderstanding: joy cannot be pursued directly. It arises naturally from a deeper trait - humility.

Humility is rare in our times. Few aspire to it, and it is not a focus in our educational systems. Yet, the mystics teach that humility is the gateway to all divine flow and spiritual energy.

It is the purest state of consciousness, free from self-awareness. Humility isn’t about thinking less of yourself; it’s about thinking of yourself less.

This state is only reached when we surrender our individual concerns, even noble ones, to a cause greater than ourselves. When our inner and outer lives align with that cause.

It may feel unnatural, as we tend to see ourselves as inherently selfish. But this is a distortion. Our core essence is a divine spark, attuned to the unity of the universe and all humanity.

The challenge is letting that awareness break through our selfish instincts, which block its flow.

In this pure state of being, joy emerges. Joy, like humility, is not just another trait. Humility negates the self; joy is its inevitable result.

Yosef Vogel


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