The Second Most Important Day In Your Life
Why were we born? Is there any way to find out?
Can anyone truly make a difference in this crazy world? So many powerful forces. So much hate, cynicism and anxiety. So unpredictable.
Does anyone care about anyone anymore? Where have all the selfless people gone?
The answer is, a resounding, YES.
Yes we can make a difference. Yes we can discover our purpose in life. Otherwise G-d would not have created you and me.
But first we must: Stop. Be quiet. Switch off the noise!
Look into the mirror. Look into your eyes (for five minutes). What do you see?
Most of us will begin to see a pure and innocent child. Filled with trust in the inherent goodness of man. Imbued with hope about the future. Believing that he or she can single handedly change the world for good.
At the turn of the 20th century a young child asked these same questions. Why was I born? What’s going on in this crazy world? Why so much pain and suffering? Can I make a difference?
These questions began to shape his mind and heart from the time he went to Hebrew classes and even earlier... He began to seek answers to these timeless dilemmas which have challenged humanity since the beginning of time.
Eventually in the mid-twentieth century he would assume a leadership position which would have a transformative effect on the Jewish world and beyond. An impact which continues to reverberate directly and indirectly on society at large.
At the core of his vision lies the belief that each and every human being is un-expendable. We all need each other. And G-d needs us all. Which is why he created us.
He believed this with every fiber of his being. His teachings were permeated with this principle. Every interaction with any human being was imbued and aligned with this vision. Any person whom he engaged was made to feel that he or she could change the world. He valued and cherished every human being irrespective of their behavior or beliefs.
The world today is confused about its identity and is desperate for a sense of purpose. Indeed at the core of most challenges facing young people today is the feeling they they are expendable.
The child in this story who would later become one of the greatest leaders of the Jewish world is the Lubavitcher Rebbe. This Saturday we mark the anniversary of his passing.
Mark Twain once said: “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” May the Rebbe’s vision continue to inspire and guide our generation to discover its “why”.