Jeff Bezos’ Perspective: The Secret to Jewish Immortality

Jeff Bezos once said the key question for entrepreneurs isn’t how the world will change in ten years, but rather: What won’t change?
In other words, while adapting to market changes and consumer preferences is crucial for growth, it is even more important to be grounded in fundamental, timeless business principles.
The resilience of the Jewish people, despite countless attempts to destroy them throughout history, is perhaps the greatest case study in reconciling this paradox.
Despite being consistently industrious and innovative over the millennia, we have, against all odds, preserved our timeless values and strong sense of identity.
As we approach the New Year and face the real and present dangers confronting the Jewish people and our homeland, it is paramount that we realign ourselves with those timeless values.
Our core values:
We are all created in the image of the Divine.
All life in the universe was, and continues to be, created by the Divine.
No one in this world can bring you good or harm without the Divine will.
By aligning our values with the Divine, as clearly outlined in the Torah, we ensure our immortality.
Just as the Jewish people share a common history, our destinies are equally intertwined.
One G-d
One Torah
One Jewish People