Lech Lecha -Where are you going?
hen’s the last time you asked yourself that question? Inherent in the human psyche is the quest to journey. Human beings are not content with where we are, we always strive to go places. Indeed “Where do you want to go today” was once the title of Microsoft’s global advertising campaign. The obvious question is: Where should we be going? Which direction is the way forward? If life’s about clearly defined objectives, then what should those objectives be? The response to this - mankind’s timeless dilemma - lies in first verse of this week’s Torah portion. It is in fact the first time that G-d addresses the Jew and in the opening sentence He maps out the entire journey of the Jewish People. “G-d said to Abram, Go forth from your native land and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you”. (Genesis 12:1) This verse is loaded with infinite layers of insight. The mystics and in In particular the Chabad Chassidic Maters that have continuously attempted to unpack its meaning. For it is in these few words that G-d instils a sense of direction in mankind. First and foremost a journey in the right direction entails a constant movement beyond our comfort zone. No day can be void of exertion. Yesterday’s success becomes the baseline for tomorrow’s journey. However exertion needs direction and purpose. Our sense of direction initially is formed by what we leave behind. We must constantly move beyond our selfish instincts. Whether these instincts come naturally to us or whether we might have adopted them from our exposure to societal influences. However in so doing we begin to discover our true destination in life. Every step taken away from our “selfish” instinct is a step closer towards our “selfless” instinct, which is the true identity of every Jew. The greatest journey in life is the journey into “infinity and beyond”. It is the journey to discover our true identity. In fact all of life’s trials and tribulations are set in our paths so that we will have greater clarity into who we are and where we are going. Discover yourself. Be true to yourself. This is the journey of life. It is also the destination.